Sunday, September 25, 2011

Nasi Lemak Malaysia

Bahan-bahan -Sambal 5 orang
12 ulas bawang merah (dikisar)
2 ulas bawang putih (dikisar)
8-10 sudu besar cili kisar
2 cawan air
1 keping gula Melaka
Sedikit belacan
Sedikit asam jawa
Sedikit ikan bilis (dikisar)
Garam dan gula secukup rasa
Minyak masak
Bahan-bahan (Nasi)
3 cawan beras
2 cawan santan pekat
3 cawan air
3-4 hirisan halia
2-3 helai daun pandan
Sedikit garam
  1. Untuk sambal, masukkan 2-4 sudu minyak masak ke dalam kuali. Tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih sehingga sedikit garing.
  2. Masukkan cili kisar dan kacau sekata. Biarkan seketika.
  3. Masukkan air, gula Melaka, belacan, asam jawa dan ikan bilis. Masak sehingga pekat. 30-60 minit.
  4. Masukkan garam dan gula secukup rasa.
  5. Untuk nasi, cuci beras beberapa kali. Masukkan santan, air, halia dan daun pandan yang disimpul. Masak dalam periuk yang bertutup di atas api kecil sehingga masak. Boleh juga kalau nak guna rice cooker.
  6. Boleh dihidangkan dengan telur rebus, telur goreng (mata lembu) dan ikan bilis goreng.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to make Fried Char Kway Teow

Char Kway Teow
 Char kway teow, literally "stir-fried rice cake strips", is a popular noodle dish in Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and Singapore. The dish was (and still is in some places in Malaysia and Singapore) typically prepared at hawker stalls especially in Penang, Malaysia.
It is made from flat rice noodles  of approximately 1 cm or (in the north of Malaysia) about 0.5 cm in width, stir-fried over very high heat with light and dark soy sauce, chilli, a small quantity of belachan, whole prawns, deshelled cockles, bean sprouts and chopped Chinese chives. The dish may commonly be stir-fried with egg, slices of Chinese sausage and fishcake, and less commonly with other ingredients. Commonly served on a piece of banana leaf on a plate.

Fried Kuey Teow (Malay style)

Penang Char Kuey Teow

Jai Char Kway Teow

Char Kuey Teow - Char..Char...Char....
How to cook...

Monday, April 11, 2011

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Monday, April 4, 2011

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See all stories on this topic:

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lontong Johor

Lontong Enak buat sarapan...

Bahan-bahan ( 10 orang )

  • Bahan yg dikisar halus * :-
  • *10 tangkai cili kering
  • *2 biji bawang besar
  • *2 ulas bawang putih
  • *1 jari kelinking kunyit hidup
  • *1 hiris halia
  • *2 sudu udang kering
  • *2 sudu ikan bilis atau 1 ketul kiub ikan bilis
  • *1 sudu kecil jintan kasar
  • 2 batang serai 
  • 4 helai daun salam
  • 1/2 jari lengkuas - diketuk
  • 200 g udang hidup yg dikupas kulit
  • Bahan sayur di potong kecil ikut cara masing2 :-
  • 1/2 biji kobis
  • 8 batang kacang panjang
  • 1 batang lobak merah
  • 1 biji sengkuang kecil
  • 1 biji terung panjang
  • 1 keping tahu kering - rendam
  • 4 biji kentang
  • 4 keping tauhu - di potong kecil dan goreng
  • 4 keping tempe - dipotong dan digoreng
  • 2 ikat soo aun - direndam
  • lada merah dan hijau - dipotong serong
  • 2 ltr santan pekat dan cair - 2 biji kelapa
  • air secukupnya
  • garam secukup rasa
  • 1/4 cawan minyak utk menumis


  1. Panaskan minyak dlm periuk dan tumis bahan2 kisar dan serai hingga wangi.Masukkan udang dan tumis lagi dan masukkan santan,daun salam,lengkuas dan masak hingga mendidih.
  2. Masukkan sayur2an bermula dgn yg keras dulu dan tambah air secukupnya hingga sayur tenggelam. Bubuh garam secukup rasa dan masak lagi hingga mendidih dan sayur lembut.
  3.  Hidang sayur lodeh dgn lontong,ketupat atau nasi himpit dan juga sambal tumis dan serunding.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lentil Curry (Kuah Dhal Kari)

Kuah Dal Roti Canai (Lentil Curry)

100g (3.5 oz) kacang dal
800 ml (3 1/4 cawan) air.
1/4 sudu makan kunyit
1 biji bawang besar (medium size) -dipotong kiub
1 biji carrot
1 biji terung hijau bulat - dipotong kiub
1 biji tomato medium - dipotong baji
2 cili besar hijau - dipotong setiap 2cm (3/4 inch)
100 ml santan atau susu lembu
1 sudu kecil garam
sedikit perahan asam jawa
125 ml (1/2 cawan ) air
3 sudu besar minyak masak
1/2 sudu kecil biji sawi (Mustard seeds)
1/2 sudu kecil jintan manis
1 tangkai daun kari
2 bj. lada kering (dipotong setiap 2cm (3/4 inch)
3 bj bawang merah - dikupas dan dipotong halus
3 bj bawang putih - dikupas dan dipotong halus.


1. Basuh dan bersihkan kacang dal beberapa kali dan masukkan ke dalam periuk bersama 800ml (3 1/4 cawan) air dan kunyit. Masaklah sehingga mendidih dan kemudian kecilkan api.
Biarkan di dalam api yang kecil selama 20 minit lagi. Masukkan bawang, carrot, terung dan tomato. Masak lagi selama 20 minit. , atau sehingga sayuran di dalamnya agak lembut.

2. Masukkan santan atau susu lembu dan masukkan garam. Tambah air asam jawa(agak-agak). Masak sehingga mendidih lagi sekali, kemudian perlahankan api apabila ramuan nampak agak mesra dan perlahankan api. Rasakan garamnya.Tambahkan cili hijau dan padamkan api selepas 5 minit dan asingkan

3. Panaskan sedikit minyak di kuali yang berasingan, goreng biji sawi dan jintan putih (dalam 30 saat). Masukkan daun kari, lada kering, bawang merah dan bawang putih. Masak sehingga berbau wangi dan bawang bertukar warna keperangan.
Kemudian masukkan semua gorengan ini ke dalam kuah kacang dal di periuk yang lagi satu. Panaskan api semula, kacau mesra, biarkan selama lebih kurang 5-10 minit - tutup atas periuk dan padamkan api.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rojak Buah

Rojak buah ialah campuran beberapa jenis buah-buahan dan sayuran mentah yang segar seperti buah nenas, jambu batu, jambu air, sengkuang, timun, mempelam, betik, belimbing dan sebagainya. Campuran buah-buahan dan sayuran ini dimakan dengan kuah rojak kacang. Ada yang pedas dan ada yang sedikit manis. Terpulang kepada citarasa masing-masing.

 Cecahan atau Kuah Rojak

1 botol besar kicap manis
1 botol besar kicap masin
1 genggam cili padi (kalau nak lagi pedas bubuh lebih)
1-2 sudu cili mesin (kalau nak lagi pedas bubuh lebih)
1 keping belacan (lebih kurang RM1.00)
600gm gula tebu (molases sugar)
kacang tanah digoreng tanpa minyak (buang kulit dan tumbik kasar)
bijan yang digoreng tanpa minyak

Caranya adunan:
1. Blend cili padi, belacan dgn sedikit kicap hingga betul-betul lumat.
2. Masukkan bahan blend, cili mesin, kicap dan gula tebu dalam periuk dan masak hingga sedikit likat (lagi lama lagi likat kuah rojak). Padamkan api.
3. Bila nak digunakan, gaulkan kuah rojak dengan buah-buah yg sudah dihiris, taburkan kacang tumbuk dan bijan diatas.
4. Kuah rojak boleh disimpan dlm fridge dlm bekas yg bertutup.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Char Kway Teow

Di Penang amat popular dengan Cha Kway Teow
Hidangan untuk 4 orang
Persediaan Bahan : 15 minit
Masa untuk memasak : 14 minit
Siap Hidang : 29 minit

     * 1 mangkuk kecil  tauge
     * 1 bawang bombay
     * 2 batang lobak merah
     * 1 mangkuk kecil hirisan kubis
     * 3 hingga 4 cili segar, atau sesuai mengikut selera
     * 2 siung bawang putih
     * 2 sosej di potong serong
    * 6 ons udang dikupas kulit (tinggalkan sedikit kulit di ekor)
    * £ 1 mie segar
    * 2 sudu makan sos tiram
    * 1 sudu makan kicap
    * 1 sudu makan kicap masin hitam
    * 1 sudu teh gula merah
    * 3 sdm minyak untuk tumis-goreng
    * 3 butir telur, kocok sebentar
    * Garam dan lada hitam, secukupnya
    * Cincang 1 sudu makan daun ketumbar segar 

Bilas dan menguras tauge hijau.
Bawang dikupas dan cincang . Kupas lobakl dan potong pada diagonal menjadi potongan-potongan 1/4-inch. Perhatian kubis. Potong cili membujur dua, buang biji dan cincang halus. Kupas dan cincang halus bawang putih.
Udang di buang kulit dan tinggalkan sedikit kulit ekor. Potong sosej pada diagonal menjadi potongan-potongan 1/2-inch. Kukus sosej selama 10 minit. Rendam udang dalam air suam sedikit masin selama 5 minit.

Dalam mangkuk kecil, campuran sos tiram, kicap terang dan gelap dan gula merah.
Panaskan 1 sudu minyak masak dalam kuali dengan api sedang. Tambah telur yang dikacau. Panaskan 2 sudu minyak masak dalam kuali dengan api sedang. Tambah bawang bombay dan lobak dan tumis sampai bawang ini naik melunak. Tambah chiles dan bawang putih lalu tumis hingga harum. Tambah udang dan tumis hingga menjadi merah muda. Tambah sosej dan udang/kerang. Letak kubis dan kacau. Keluarkan dan membersihkan kuali.

Panaskan 1 sudu minyak masak dalam kuali dengan api sedang.
Tambah telur dan ringan scramble. Membersihkan Kuali.
Panaskan 2 sudu minyak masak.
Masukkan kway teow me dan masak selama 2 minit, kacau terus. Mendorong ke samping dan tambah sos di tengah. Panaskan sampai mendidih, lalu campurkan dengan mie. Masukkan bahan yang lain dalam periuk. Kacau dalam tambah tauge. Masak selama 30 saat dan kemudian kacau telur. Teruskan memasak, menambah sedikit dari air atau sup ayam jika campuran terlalu kering. Letakkan garam dan lada secukup rasa. Sajikan panas-panas. Muuaah...Muuaahhh...!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mee Rebus Johor

Resepi dan Bahan-Bahan

Bahan ( A ) - untuk dikisar :
3 ulas bawang Besar
4 ulas bawang Putih
1/2 biji buah Keras
1 inci halia
1/4 inci lengkuas
2 batang serai
15 gm udang kering
25 tangkai lada kering (Kalau tak tahan pedas kurangkan sedikit)

Bahan ( B ) - Direbus dan dikisar :
3 biji ubi keledek merah(Sederhana Besar)
200 gm daging atau tetel daging Lembu (Dikisar sederhana bersama air rebusan)
200 gm udang (Dikisar bersama air rebusan)
3 sudu besar rempah Kari Daging BABAS atau jenama lain
4 sudu besar asam jawa
Serbuk Perisa
Mee Kuning Direbus
Taugeh Di rebus

Untuk Hiasan dan Tambahan Selera :
Daun Soup
Limau Kasturi
Bawang Goreng
Lada Hijau Dihiris-hiris
Tauhu Goreng dipotong -potong kecil
Telur Rebus
Kicap manis

Cara-cara membuatnya :
1. Tumiskan semua bahan -bahan (A) dan rempah kari sehingga wangi.
2. Setelah bahan-bahan (A) sudah garing masukan pula bahan (B) yang dikisar.
3. Masukan air asam jawa , garam ,gula dan bahan perisa secukup rasa.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Nasi Dagang

Nasi Dagang is a rice speciality of Terengganu. The Dish is made by cooking Siamese fragrant rice and glutinous rice together, to which is then added coconut cream once it is cooked. It is eaten with it's own specially made side dishes of tuna curry and a light vegetable pickle. Simplicity is its essence.

300g nasi dagang rice or substitute with 200g
good grade Siamese fragrant rice mixed with 100g glutinous rice
1 grated coconut to extract 3/4 cup thick coconut milk
3/4 cup thin coconut milk
1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds ( halba )
2 cloves garlic, sliced finely
3 shallots, sliced finely
2cm young ginger, sliced finely
1/2 tsp salt


Wash rice well and soak for five to six hours. Drain well, then steam rice for 20 to 25 minutes or until half-cooked.
Stir in thin coconut milk and continue steaming for 15 minutes until rice is nearly cooked.
Combine thick coconut milk, shallots, garlic, ginger, fenugreek and salt. Stir into the cooked rice then steam once more for 10 to 15 minutes or until rice is properly cooked.
Serve rice with tuna curry fish.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Coconut Rice (Nasi Lemak)

What did you have breakfast today? Here with our Malaysian recipe Nasi Lemak

Things You'll Need:

  • 2 cups rice
  • 2.5 cups water
  • 2 pandan leaves (screwpine leaves)
  • 3 shallots, finely chopped
  • 10 tsps thick coconut milk
  • sugar and salt to taste
Pound together :-
  • 2 Dried Chillies 
  • 2 Fresh Chillies 
  • Slice of Ginger
  • 1 Small Piece Blacan 
  • 1/2-inch piece Lengkuss 
  • 1 Candle Nut
  • 2 Hard-Boiled Eggs,(cut in wedges) 
  • 2 Tablespoons Ikan Bilis,(deep-fried till crisp) 
  • 1 Piece Yellow Bean Curd,(deep-fried & sliced thinly) 
  • 1/4 Cucumber,(sliced thinly)
  •  2 oz Kangkong,(scalded)
1) Wash and clean the rice and put it in a small pot. Add the Santan and the Pandan Leaf and bring to the Boil.
2) When the rice begins to boil, lower the heat.
3) Simmer gently for 10 -15 minutes until all the water has been absorbed and remove from the heat.
4) Loosen rice grains with chopsticks. Cover up and allow rice to cook in its own heat for 10-15 minutes.
5) While the rice is cooking, prepare the Garnishing and Prawn Sambal.
6) For the Sambal, heat oil and fry the onions until slightly brown.
7) Add the pounded ingredients and fry until fragrant. Add Prawns and fry for 2 - 3 minutes.
8) Add Sugar, Salt and Tamarind Juice. Allow to cook for another 4-5 minutes and serve.
9) Serve the rice with the Sambal and other Garnishing.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Laksa Fever

Going GA-GA over Laksa... when it come to varities of Laksa, Malaysia has them. Almost every state has it own individual signature Laksa...

From North to South, from West to East Malaysia, Laksa gives a distinction between states. From Laksa Penang to Laksa Sarawak, they are all my favourites.

Feast your eyes on them...

Laksa Johor Ingredients

Laksa Johor/ Johor laksa is spaghetti, served with a thick spicy fish gravy, topped with fresh vegetables. The gravy is a marriage between Laksam and Curry. The condiments are almost Laksam like, except for the preserved radish. When you finish eating the laksa (spaghetti), the gravy will be gone too, just like eating spaghetti Bolognese.
Although this is Johor’s Laksa, it is not found all over the state. I’ve been staying in Segamat which is located in north Johor for 2 years and it was not seen or even heard there. This laksa is only popular at the tip of the sweet potato, in Johor Bahru(JB). I stayed in JB for almost 1 year before, and during fasting month, I’d be scouring the food stalls looking for the best Johor Laksa. There are RM2 per portions, RM4 per portions, some even RM5. Why such a major difference in price?
It’s in the gravy.
Once I bought the RM2 stuff, being adventurous, just wanted to know how different is the 50% off. I tell you, I regretted that I wasted the RM2. It’s so watery. Just like Malay’s penang laksa, but with curry powder and thinned coconut milk. It’s disgusting, I’d say. I’ve learnt my lesson and the next time, I’ll hunt down the most expensive one at the food market, and those never fail my taste buds. Actually, the best that I’ve ever eaten was at Giant Plentong, the stalls’s name is Cathay Laksa. Cathay laksa is the one that introduced me to this addictive noodles.
After I left Johor for good, I craved for this super yummy Johorean fare, and non of my Johorean Malay friends knew how to do this and I finally found a recipe from a local Malay recipe portal, used it as a guideline and tweaked it to what I want my laksa gravy to be

To making of Johor Laksa …
20 shallots, mine came to about 250gm, peeled
20 dried chillies, seeds removed
1 bulb garlic, mine was about 30gm, peeled
1 inch ginger, about 15gm
1. Blend everything into a paste with ½ cup cooking oil.
2. Cook the paste until very fragrant.
**No need to wash the blender after this. Continue to use the same blender unwashed until (D).
500gm Spanish Mackeral/tenggiri
1. Boil fish with 3 cups water until cooked.
2. Take the fish out (retain broth) and let it cool down. Remove bones.
3. Pulse with with another 2 cups water.
100gm dried shrimp
250gm dried salted fish- Threadfin/Tanau/Senangin
1. Soak dried shrimps. Drain.
2. Toast salted fish on a pan until fragrant. U can use charcoal to toast if u want. Remove flesh from skin.
3. Blend dried shrimps and salted fish flesh with 2.5 cups water.
5 stalk lemon grass (4 inch from base)
100gm freshly grated coconut
1. Toast coconut on a frying pan until fragrant and golden.
2. Slice lemon grass finely and place into the blender together with toasted coconut.
3. Blend with 1.5 cups water.
Then you will have all the A, B, C and D. Of course you can blend B, C and D together in the blender if you want, but do you want to overload the blender?

4 Tbsp tamarind paste (Adabi brand)
200ml thick coconut milk
2 heaped Tbsp fish curry powder (1 small pack of 50gm)
Salt to taste
Final assembly.
1. Put (A), (B), (C), (D), tamarind paste, thick coconut milk, fish curry powder all into one pot with at least 5L capacity.
2. Bring a boil and let it simmer (lid on) for 30 minutes or until coconut oil is released. Season with salt. Turn off the heat and let the gravy sit , lid on.
3. Best made 12 hours ahead before serving

1. Calamansi lime
2. Bean Sprouts, ends trimmed
3. Long Beans, finely sliced
4. Chopped preserved radish, soaked for 30 minutes, squeezed dry, dry fry until hot and dry.
5. Basil (daun selasih) or Laksa leaves(daun kesum). Washed and remove from stems.
6. Cucumber, finely julienned without the seeds
7. Sambal Belacan, six fresh red chillies blended with a thumbsized belacan. Uncooked.
To serve
1. Cook 1 packet(500g) of spaghetti according to packet’s instructions. (I used San Remo’s Vermicelli)
2. Divide spaghetti into 10 portions. Top with condiments.
3. Ladle over gravy. Squeeze juice of 1 calamansi over and toss everything.
Voila!!! Yum yum!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mamak Rojak

Mamak Rojak is a popular Malay snack which has Indian flavors. Rojak is basically a salad either made of fruit or vegetables; it is popular among South-East Asian Countries. Wikipedia states that Rojak is a Malaysian term for “mixture” to show the ethnic mixture in Malaysia and neighboring countries.

Mamak Rojak, also known as the Indian Rojak, is made by Indian Muslims locally in Malaysia. (Mamak is derived from Mama which means Uncle in Tamil). It is a spicy hot salad with piping hot chillies and vegetable gravy. Usually a vegetarian food, it is also served with seafood.
Try this recipe below and create your own variations of Mamak Rojak by mixing the vegetables.

100g small prawns
4 eggs
Oil for deep-frying
3 potatoes
1 tsp ground chilli paste
1/2 tsp salt
5 soya bean cakes
For Garnishing
1 cucumber, shredded
150g bean sprouts, scalded
Hard fritters
For the Dough
1 1/3 cups plain flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp chicken stock
1/2 tsp of pepper
1/2 cup water
1 egg
For the Fritters
1 cup plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
120ml water
1 green chilli, chopped
1/2 an onion, chopped
For the Sauce
450g sweet potatoes
5 cups water
4 tbsp oil
1 ½ tbsp tamarind juice in water
100g sugar Salt to taste
6 shallots, pounded finely
3 cloves garlic
2 tbsp chilli paste
1 tsp Chicken stock
100g toasted peanuts, pounded
1 tsp salt
A little dark soya sauce (for colour)
How to make the Recipe
For making the batter, mix the ingredients except the egg, together in a bowl and add water gradually, mixing it into a smooth paste. Set aside for 40–50 minutes.
Clean potatoes well and boil in their jackets. Peel and rub in ground chilli paste and salt then deep-fry in hot oil. Cut each into wedges. Cut the hardboiled eggs into quarters with an egg-slicer. Halve the other 2 pieces of firm Soya bean cakes diagonally and deep-fry in hot oil till golden brown.
Just before using the batter add the egg and stir well till smooth. Cut 3 Soya bean cakes into thin slices and dip into the batter. Press 2 prawns onto each piece. Deep-fry in hot oil until golden and crispy. Cut each into 4 pieces.
To make the fritters, combine flour, salt, sugar, baking powder and water in a bowl. Mix well and leave aside covered for 30–40 minutes. Just before frying add in the chopped onion and chillies. Shape into a cylinder about 7cm long and 2cm wide. Taper both the ends. Should the dough be sticky, dust hands with extra flour when handling the dough. Deep-fry the fritters in oil until golden brown. Cut each fritter into 4–5 serving pieces.
To make the sauce, boil the sweet potatoes then blend in separate portions with half amount of water. Heat oil in a saucepan and fry ground shallots and garlic, chilli paste and chicken stock. Add in blended sweet potatoes and remaining water. Cook for 3–4 minutes.
Add tamarind juice, palm sugar and salt to taste. Stir continuously over a gentle heat for 2–3 minutes or until sauce is thick. Add peanuts and a little dark soy sauce for colour.
To serve, arrange all the ingredients in a platter and top up with the garnishing and pour sauce gravy over or serve the sauce separately.
You may want to try out another fruit variation of Rojak over at Zu’s Kitchen.

Mamak Rojak always popular in Malaysia